• Thermodynamic And Heat Engine (Processes)


    Thermodynamic And Heat Engine


    Process: It is defined as any change that the system may undergo. A series of processes in which the system returns to its original condition or state is called a cyclic process.

    A process in which the system departs from equilibrium state only infinitesimally at every instant is called quasi-static process.

    A process may be divided as

    1. Reversible process and 2. Irreversible process.

    Q: What are the conditions of reversibility?

    Ans. Conditions of Reversibility:

    (i)      The changes must take place at an infinitesimally slow rate.

    (ii)    The system must always be in thermal and mechanical equilibrium with the surrounding.

    (iii) The working parts of the engine must be friction free.

    Classification of thermodynamic processes:

    1.    Non-flow processes: The processes occurring in closed systems which do not permit the transfer of mass across their boundaries, are known as non-flow processes.

    2.  Flow processes: The processes occurring in open systems which permit the transfer of mass across their boundaries are known as flow processes.

    Non-flow processes:

    1.       Constant volume process or Isochoric process,

    2.       Constant pressure process or Isobaric process,

    3.       Constant temperature process or Isothermal process, 

            (In it, internal energy remains constant)

    4.       Adiabatic process or Isentropic process, (PVγ = Constant)

    5.       Polytrophic process (PVn = constant)

    6.       Free expansion process

    7.       Throttle process

    8.       Reversible process

    9.      Hyperbolic process

    Process Chart

    Q: State all the laws of Thermodynamics?

    Ans. There are three laws of the thermodynamics.

    First Law: Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change forms. In any process in an isolated system, the total energy remains the same.

    Q = W+E

    This law states that the heat and mechanical work are mutually convertible.


    W ∞ Q

    or, W = JQ

    J= Mechanical equivalent of heat or Joule’s constant = 427 kcal/kgf-m

    First law of thermodynamics was given by Joule.

    First law of thermodynamics deals with conservation of energy.

    Second Law: Two statements of Second Law of thermodynamics

    According to Clausius: “It is Impossible for a self-acting machine working in a cyclic process, to transfer heat from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature without the aid of an external agency.”

    According to Kelvin-Planck, “It is impossible to construct an engine working on a cyclic process, whose sole purpose is to convert heat energy into work.”

    Kelvin-Planck’s law deals with conversion of heat into work. 2nd law of thermodynamics defines entropy.
    Third Law: It states “As temperature approaches absolute zero, the entropy of a system approaches a minimum.”
    Zeroth Law: It states that “When two bodies (systems) are thermal equilibrium with a third body (system), they (the two systems) are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.”



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