• Foundry and Pattern Making (MCQ)


     Foundry and Pattern Making


    1.       What is meant by drag in casting process?

    a. Upper part of casting flask
    b. Molten metal
    c. Lower part of casting flask
    d. Upper and lower part of casting flask

    ANSWER: (c)

    2.      Casting replica used to make the cavity is called as

    a. Mould
    b. Pattern
    c. Cope
    d. None of the above

    ANSWER: (b)

    3.      Blast furnace produces following by reduction of iron ore

    (a) cast iron

    (b) pig iron

    (c) wrought iron

    (d) malleable iron

    Ans: (b)

    4.      Cupola produces following material

    a) cast iron

    (b) pig iron

    (c) wrought iron

    (d) malleable iron

    Ans: (a)

    5.      How is the die used in injection molding cooled?
    a) Oil
    b) Air
    c) Water
    d) Contact with cold surface

    Answer: c

    6.      Where does the granular molding material get loaded into?
    a) Barrel
    b) Hopper
    c) Pellets
    d) Split

    Answer: b

    7.      Which of the following material is not made by injection molding?

    a) Nuts

    b) Tubes

    c) Car handles

    d) Electrical fittings

    Answer: b

    8.      What is the minimum temperature allowed to be given to the injection molding process?
    a) 120°C
    b) 130°C
    c) 140°C
    d) 150°C

    Answer: d

    9.      Which of the following factors is not considered in a ram type injection molding?
    a) Inner pressure of material
    b) Outer pressure of material
    c) Volume of material
    d) Temperature of material

    Answer: c

    10.  What is the minimum pressure allowed to be given to the injection molding process?
    a) 90 MPa
    b) 100 MPa
    c) 140 MPa
    d) 170 MPa

    Answer: b

    11.  What is the maximum temperature allowed to be given to the injection molding process?
    a) 300°C
    b) 320°C
    c) 350°C
    d) 400°C

    Answer: a

    12.  The barrel is used for the opening and closing of the mold.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: b

    13.  There is a varied pressure provided in the solidification unit of injection molding process.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: b

    14.  Which of the following is not a type of a foundry?
    a) Captive foundry
    b) Jobbing foundry
    c) Semi Production foundry
    d) Auto production foundry

    Answer: d

    15.  Which of the following is a ferrous foundry?
    a) Brass foundry
    b) Bronze foundry
    c) High alloy steel foundry
    d) Zinc-base foundry

    Answer: c

    16.  In an automobile engine, up to what percent of parts are manufactured by casting?
    a) 65%
    b) 75%
    c) 80%
    d) 90%

    Answer: d

    17.  Casting provides uniform directional properties.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: a

    18.  Products made through casting can avoid joining process.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: a

    19.  What is the shape of a rotary melting furnace?
    a) Spherical
    b) Cylindrical
    c) Cuboidal
    d) Hemi-spherical

    Answer: b

    20.  What is the speed of rotation of a rotary melting furnace?
    a) 0.5 rpm
    b) 1 rpm
    c) 2 rpm
    d) 3 rpm

    Answer: b

    21.  After how many heats, should the refractory lining be renewed?
    a) 50-100
    b) 100-200
    c) 200-300
    d) 300-40

    Answer: c

    22.  The rotary furnace can have a capacity of 80 tons.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: b

    23.  Which of the following statement is true?
    a) Casting is the replica of the object to be cast
    b) Pattern is the replica of the casting object
    c) Casting and the pattern are same things
    d) Molten material is casted into the casting cavity

    Answer: b

    24.  Which of the following carries the mould cavity where the metal is to be poured?
    a) Casting
    b) Pattern
    c) Sand
    d) Core

    Answer: b

    25.  Which of the following is ‘not’ an allowance given to the pattern for casting?
    a) Shrinkage
    b) Draft
    c) Hole
    d) Machining

    Answer: c

    26.  What will be the machining allowance for a bore of a 405mm cast iron object to be casted?
    a) 1.0mm
    b) 2.0mm
    c) 3.0mm
    d) 5.0mm

    Answer: d

    27. The quality of the final product is not dependent on _______________
    a) Method of withdrawal of pattern
    b) Allowance provided to the pattern
    c) The complexity of the casting
    d) The metal used in Casting
    Answer: d

    28. The life of a pattern is most likely to depend upon which of the following term?
    a) Number of castings produced
    b) Type of cooling rate of the casting
    c) Size of the casting
    d) Size of the pattern

    Answer: a

    29. What is the function of cores in the casting process?
    a) To support the pattern
    b) To provide differential cooling rates at specific portions
    c) To make holes and cavities
    d) For ease of flow of the molten material

    Answer: c

    9. Which of the following is ‘not’ an advantage of the usage of pattern in a casting of metals?
    a) Using patterns to cast objects, less time is consumed for mass production
    b) It is cost efficient and profitable for mass production
    c) Production of the pattern requires extra effort to cast the object
    d) Cores in the pattern could be used to decrease the amount of machining done for making cavities

    Answer: c

    10. A draft allowance is provided to ___________
    a) All linear faces
    b) Only the interior dimensions
    c) Only the exterior dimensions
    d) Only the dimensions that are perpendicular to the parting plane

    Answer: d

    1. Which of the following is not a part of the pattern at most times?
    a) Mould cavity
    b) Cope
    c) Molten metal
    d) Core

    Answer: c

    2. Which of the following does not serve the purpose of using patterns in sand casting?
    a) Contain core prints if the casting requires a core and need to be made hollow
    b) To give the exact shape and size (in addition to the allowances) to the casting as that of the final object
    c) Reduces the cost of production while used in mass production
    d) Sometimes used to carry the mechanism to melt the metal/material which is to be poured into the cavity

    Answer: d

    4. The function of a gated pattern is ___________
    a) To produce small castings in mass production
    b) To create castings of a very heavy mass
    c) To create castings containing complex design
    d) To create symmetrical castings

    Answer: a

    5. Which of the following factors affect the choice of a pattern at most times?
    a) Size and complexity of the casting
    b) Characteristics of castings
    c) Type of molding and castings method to be used
    d) Type of cooling rates to be provided

    Answer: d

    6. Which of the following sequence is in the correct order to prepare a cast using the sand casting method?
    [1] Mould making [2] Clamping [3] Pouring [4] Cooling [5] Trimming [6] Removal
    a) 1,3,2,4,6,5
    b) 2,1,3,4,5,6
    c) 1,2,3,4,5,6
    d) 1,2,3,4,6,5

    Answer: d

    7. What is a function of a riser in a sand casting?
    a) Provide good mobility to the molten metal
    b) Prevent cavities due to shrinkage
    c) To develop holes or hollow cavities in the casting
    d) To provide differential cooling rates in specific areas of the casting

    Answer: b

    8. Runners, gates and risers are attached to the pattern to __________
    a) Provide ease of cooling
    b) Provide feed to the molten material
    c) Provide design to the casting
    d) Enhance the finishing of the casting

    Answer: b

    1. Pattern cannot be constructed out of which of the following materials?
    a) Wood
    b) Wax
    c) Oil
    d) Metal

    Answer: c

    2. Which of the following is not a criteria for selecting pattern materials?
    a) Method of moulding
    b) Establishment of parting line
    c) Chances of repeat orders
    d) Complexity of the casting

    Answer: b

    3. Which among the following wood is most widely used for making patterns?
    a) White Pine
    b) Mahogany
    c) Teak
    d) Maple

    Answer: a

    4. Which of the following is considered to be light wood?
    a) Mahogany
    b) Maple
    c) Birch
    d) White Pine

    Answer: d

    5. Steel is an alloy of which two elements?
    a) Iron and Brass
    b) Brass and aluminium
    c) Iron and carbon
    d) Carbon and aluminium

    Answer: c

    6. Which of the following is not a limitation of wooden patterns?
    a) Get abraded easily
    b) Absorb moisture
    c) Difficult machining
    d) Poor wear resistance

    Answer: c

    7. Metal patterns have a longer life than wooden pattern.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: a

    8. Which of the following is not a limitation of metal patterns?
    a) Get rusted
    b) Obtain rough surface finish
    c) Expensive
    d) Heavy

    Answer: b

    9. Which of the following patterns do not withstand rough handling?
    a) Aluminium
    b) Cast iron
    c) Brass
    d) Steel

    Answer: a

    10. Which of the following has the lowest melting point?
    a) Cast Iron
    b) Steel
    c) White Metal
    d) Brass

    Answer: c

    11. Which of the following is the heaviest?
    a) White
    b) Brass
    c) Cast Iron
    d) Aluminium

    Answer: b

    12. In Solid casting method, the resin mixture is kept for how much time for hardening and curing?
    a) 1-2 hours
    b) 2-3 hours
    c) 3-4 hours
    d) 4-5 hours

    Answer: b

    13. Core boxes are made out of which pattern?
    a) Plaster pattern
    b) Wax pattern
    c) Metal patterns
    d) Polystyrene patterns

    Answer: a

    14. What should the sulphur level in foam plastic be?
    a) More than 1%
    b) Between 0.5% to 1%
    c) Less than 0.1%
    d) Between 0.1% to 0.5%

    Answer: c

    15. Which of the following patterns has high compressive strength?
    a) Plastic pattern
    b) Wax pattern
    c) Polystyrene pattern
    d) Plaster pattern

    Answer: d

    1. The designing of a pattern does not include which of the following feature?
    a) To locate the direction of the parting line and adjust the component accordingly
    b) To determine regions and measurement of draft angles and radii of the sharp edges where allowances are to be given
    c) To recognize and abolish the region of or where the defects could take place during casting
    d) To 3D print the design for making the pattern

    Answer: d

    5. The preferred shape of a runner in a sand casting is ___________
    a) Cylindrical
    b) Spherical
    c) Rectangular
    d) Trapezoidal

    Answer: d

    7. Riser for a sand casting can be designed using ___________
    a) Modulus method
    b) Cained method
    c) Naval research laboratory method
    d) All of the mentioned

    Answer: d

    8. Rat tails and buckles in sand casting are caused by __________
    a) Lower strength of the solidified metal
    b) Lower refractoriness of the moulding sand
    c) Lower strength of the moulding sand
    d) Lower hardness of the moulding sand

    Answer: c

    10. Parting line in the sand casting should be ___________
    a) Simple and curved
    b) Simple and straight
    c) Irregular
    d) Any type will not make a difference

    Answer: b

    1. Which of the following is not measuring, marking or layout tools?
    a) Caliper
    b) Trisquare
    c) T-bevel
    d) Compass Saw

    Answer: d

    2. Which of the following tool is not used for clamping purpose?
    a) C-clamp
    b) Trammels
    c) Bar clamp
    d) Hand Vice

    Answer: b

    3. Which of the following is not a sawing tool?
    a) Coping saw
    b) Pinch dog
    c) Panel saw
    d) Bow saw

    Answer: b

    4. Gimlet is which of the following tool?
    a) Clamping tools
    b) Drilling tool
    c) Sawing tool
    d) Wood planing tool

    Answer: b

    5. Which of the following is not a drilling or boring tool?
    a) Brace
    b) Counter sink bit
    c) Auger bit
    d) Hand vice

    Answer: d

    6. Which of the following is not a wood planing tool?
    a) Block plane
    b) Scrub plane
    c) Spokeshave
    d) Centre bit

    Answer: d

    7. A mallet comes under which type of tool?
    a) Drilling tool
    b) Clamping tool
    c) Other pattern maker’s tool
    d) Sawing tool

    Answer: c

    8. Which of the following pattern making machine works on two pulleys?
    a) Circular saw
    b) Band saw
    c) Wood turning lathe
    d) Jig saw

    Answer: b

    9. Which of the following pattern making machine makes wooden board?
    a) Jointer
    b) Drill press
    c) Mortiser
    d) Scroll saw

    Answer: a

    10. Disc Sander is an abrasive type of machine.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: a

    1. Which of the following properties must a material possess to be used in mold making?
    a) High refractoriness
    b) Chemical and thermal stability
    c) High permeability
    d) All of the mentioned

    Answer: d

    2. Which of the following group of material type is used in mold making?
    a) Metallic only
    b) Non-Metallic only
    c) Both metallic as well as non-metallic
    d) Neither metallic nor non-metallic

    Answer: c

    3. Which of the following non-metallic material is not used in the synthesis of molds?
    a) Magnesite
    b) Silimanite
    c) Zircon
    d) Valcanised rubber

    Answer: d

    4. High refractoriness of a material refers to its __________
    a) Slipperyness of the material
    b) Chemical strength towards other material
    c) Strength to withstand at high temperature
    d) Ability to get dissolved in molten metal

    Answer: c

    5. Which of the following is a perfect composition of clay (Bentonite) used in moulding sand?
    a) Al2O3
    b) Al2O3.2SiO2
    c) Al2O3.2H2O
    d) Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O

    Answer: d

    6. Which of the following material is not used for mold making?
    a) Iron
    b) Zinc
    c) Mild steel
    d) Alloy steel

    Answer: b

    7. Phosphorus is added to steel mold for which of the following reason?
    a) It increases strength and hardness of steel
    b) It increases refractoriness of steel
    c) It increases porosity of steel
    d) It increases finishing of steel

    Answer: a

    8. Which of the following is a perfect composition for medium carbon steel?
    a) Upto 0.3%
    b) 0.3-0.6%
    c) 0.6-1.7%
    d) 1.7-3%

    Answer: b

    9. A form of cast iron in which free carbon is present in the form of nodules in the matrix of cementite and ferrite. This form of cast iron is ____________
    a) Malleable iron
    b) Pig iron
    c) Wrought iron
    d) None of these

    Answer: a

    10. Which of the following percent of carbon is correct for Eutectoid steel (at 723oC in Fe3-C diag)?
    a) 0.05%
    b) 0.5%
    c) 0.6%
    d) 0.8%

    Answer: d

    11. Which of the following is not used as binders for mould materials?
    a) Bentonite
    b) Kaolinite
    c) Backelite
    d) Illite

    Answer: c

    12. Which of the following is not used as an additive?
    a) Dextrin
    b) Coal dust
    c) Pitch
    d) Zinc

    Answer: d

    14. Nitriding process is used to increase surface hardness for which of the following materials?
    a) Alloy steels
    b) Low carbon steels
    c) Medium carbon steels
    d) High carbon steels

    Answer: a

    1. Which of the following is not a source of moulding sand?
    a) Sea
    b) Lakes
    c) Desert
    d) Forests

    Answer: d

    2. Which of the following is not a type of moulding sand?
    a) Red sand
    b) Natural sand
    c) Synthetic sand
    d) Loam sand

    Answer: a
    3. What is the percentage composition of clay in natural sand?
    a) 22-31%
    b) 3-10%
    c) 5-20%
    d) 18-29%
    Answer: c

    4. What is the percentage composition of water in natural sands?
    a) 2-4%
    b) 5-8%
    c) 6-9%
    d) 10-13%

    Answer: b

    5. What is mixed with natural sand to make it semisynthetic sand?
    a) Bentonite
    b) Barelelne
    c) Cubane
    d) Prismane

    Answer: a

    6. Which sand is used for casting cast irons and non-ferrous metals?
    a) Loam Sand
    b) Natural Sand
    c) Synthetic Sand
    d) Refractory sand grain

    Answer: b

    7. Natural sands are economical than synthetic sands.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: a

    8. What is the amount of clay content in Loam sand?
    a) 30%
    b) 40%
    c) 50%
    d) 60%

    Answer: c

    9. Which sand is used for making ferrous and non-ferrous alloys?
    a) Natural sand
    b) Synthetic sand
    c) Loam sand
    d) Refractory sand grain

    Answer: b

    10. A general loam sand mixture contains how many volumes of silica?
    a) 10
    b) 20
    c) 30
    d) 40

    Answer: b

    1. On increasing the binder content, what in the moulding sand gets reduced?
    a) Hardenability
    b) Strength
    c) Permeability
    d) Brittleness

    Answer: c

    2. Which of the following is bentonite?
    a) Kaolinite
    b) Sodium Montmorillonite
    c) Illite
    d) Limonite

    Answer: b

    3. Which of the following is not a clay binder?
    a) Limonite
    b) Illite
    c) Limonite
    d) Carsil

    Answer: d

    4. Clays are what type of binders?
    a) Organic
    b) Patented
    c) Inorganic
    d) Other binders

    Answer: c

    5. At what temperature does the clay dead burning take place?
    a) 400°C – 500°C
    b) 500°C – 600°C
    c) 600°C – 700°C
    d) 700°C – 800°C

    Answer: b

    6. What is the breadth size range of a clay particle?
    a) 0.01-1 micrometres
    b) 0.02-2 micrometres
    c) 0.03-3 micrometres
    d) 0.04-4 micrometres

    Answer: a

    7. Which of the following clay binders are most commonly used?
    a) Bentonite
    b) Illite
    c) Limonite
    d) Kaolinite

    Answer: a

    8. What is the percentage composition of quartz in Western bentonite?
    a) 5%
    b) 10%
    c) 15%
    d) 20%

    Answer: b

    9. What is the percentage composition of quartz in Southern bentonite?
    a) 5%
    b) 10%
    c) 15%
    d) 20%

    Answer: c

    10. What is the softening point of western montmorillonite?
    a) 800°F – 1150°F
    b) 1200°F – 1650°F
    c) 1750°F – 2100°F
    d) 2100°F – 2450°F

    Answer: d

    11. What is the softening point of western montmorillonite?
    a) Above 1800°F
    b) Above 2000°F
    c) Above 2200°F
    d) Above 2400°F

    Answer: a

    12. Illite has a softening point of about 4500°F.
    a) True
    b) False

    Answer: b




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